Aaron Walker

You know it's gonna be a good lesson when your teacher comes in and throws your textbook out of the window.

Really! I'm not joking!

Sir Harvard (our history teacher) asked me for my textbook when he came in. I gave it to him. He flipped to some page, then closed it with a hmph and looking at me, threw it out of the window. Just like that!

And you know what he said after that ?

He said that the the information in our textbook was completely incorrect and that we'd better start taking notes.

He gave a detailed explanation of Trojan War and his demeanor was so enthusiastic that all of us were hooked and at the end of our seats when the lesson ended.

He was talking as though he had experienced the war himself. But that's just silly. I mean, Trojan war is just one of the Greek myths. We don't even know if it's real. Besides, even if it really happened, it was back in 12th or 13th century. He can't have been present then-

Unless he-

I know it's a stupid thought but maybe he was present then, all those centuries ago.

All of my friends think that I am stupid to think that. But there's a possibility, isn't there?

In old times, people thought that they existed, didn't they? Maybe they didn't just thought. Maybe it isn't just a legend, just a lore?

I think Mr.Harvard isn't what he seems to be. I think he is a vampire.

There, I said it. Go laugh all you want.

I mean, just look at all the facts. He is pale and sick looking. He never seems to age. I've known him for years (he was taught my elder brother as well). I've never seen him out in the sun.

I know you'll say that these are not good enough. It's not as if I've seen him drinking blood or turn into a bat or something. But i have one more.

So there is this very religious new kid in our year. He transferred here about a month ago. He wears this crucifix as a chain around his neck. On his first day, when sir Harvard saw it he said,

'' Mr. Barnes, I respect your religious beliefs and all but I would kindly request you to not wear your crucifix when I'm around. It really bugs me. A bad experience in the past.''

Even though he said this kindly, his tone suggested that he'd better not argue and left no room for much argument. Momentarily, everyone was curious and interested but the matter was quickly forgotten because of the rumors about the lunch lady (don't ask).

I know that this is a lot of guessing and assuming. And then there's the real problem. If he really is a vampire, then whose blood does he drink?

I really really hope that he doesn't go lurking around town, looking for someone to attack.

But..... what if he's a vegetarian vampire? I mean, everyone knows they drink blood because they are anemic and they need vitamin D because they can't get it from sun exposure. So what if they just drink and eat things that are rich in vitamin D and iron? Maybe they don't drink blood because honestly that's just gross. (no offence to any blood sucking creature out there)

Anyways, I always keep a bag of salt and garlic (with the minor side effect of having my bag smell of garlic) with me. Better safe than sorry.

And you know how vampires can't come in unless invited? So (just to be safe) I don't go to open the door. Even if I'm the only one at home. I just pretend not to hear the doorbell. I mean, what if the pizza delivery guy is a vampire? What would I do then? Can't take any chances now, can i?

Go laugh all you want. I'll see how you laugh when i'll tell you 'told you so'. assuming that you'll be alive by then, of course.

A/N :
so this is Mr. Harvard's part 2. It is from the POV of Aaron Walker, a student. It's my longest post yet and I really hope you make time to read it. I would really appreciate it.

And check this out if you are interested in vampires. i got most of my information from here:


  1. Loved reading this Khadijah. Can’t wait to find out what’s next. Keep writing

  2. Good read while in lounge to TO!


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