A You-Know-What

mr.harvard's POV

About time someone caught on. I mean, its been 15 years, 15! Don't these people notice anything ?

Well this kid does. He knows I'm a you-know-what. His words not mine. Overheard him talking to his friend about me. Good to know I'm such a popular topic for gossip.

I haven't confronted him about it yet. I'm thinking.

I don't want to hypnotize him or tamper with his memory. I may be a vampire but I don't hypnotize children and keep them as slaves.

If he panics, then I'd have to, for his safety.

But if he doesn't.........

That would be interesting.

It does get a bit lonely at times. I wouldn't mind someone who knows who I am.

Ashley has decided to spend half this century locked in her coffin, sleeping and using social media. Who even uses coffins these days? They are so outdated, even I don't use them! Weird, that one.

The witch, (I don't even know her real name. I mean, its been seven centuries, Witch, surely you can trust me with your real name!) has her own work to do, clients to attend, potions to brew and research to do. She's currently in Albania, looking for some ingredients.

And however much I like Tim's company, his roommates are getting out of control. Nasty buggers those, tricking people left and right. I'm not a killjoy and even I like to spook people now and then, but they crossed the line last decade when they let a cat loose in my home.

And don't get me started on the vampire's. I'm definite that won't hesitate killing me the second they saw me.

Lets see how it goes. If it takes a turn for the worse I'd pull some strings here and there. No harm done that way.

I'm curious. The only form of excitement and interest this miserable school provides are the rumors about the lunch lady. And I have no interest in what she puts in the food. 

Let's see how this turns out.


Aaron walker's POV

shit I'm going to die.


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