Dumb and Dead

Please forgive me when I said that you were gonna die if you didn't believe me. You were right all along. I should've ignored it too. You know how they say, "ignorance is bliss" ? Yeah, well, true, that. Ignore things, guys, and live your life peacefully. Or you'll end up like me: dead.

I've never more wanted to be dumb and unimaginative.

So let me say my last words.

Mom, don't throw out my gaming system. I had to starve to buy that. (Really! I had to go without snacks for half a year. And I practically live off snacks so i almost died). Come to think of it, don't throw away my anything. Who knows even while being dead I become famous? There would be somethings needed to place in my museum, you know. Also please don't tell Aedion that I've been using his skateboard. He'll bring me back from dead just so he can kill me again, that madman.

Oh and tell my ex-friends that they can rot in hell for all I care.

Its because of them that I'm going to die. That Mr Harvard is going to kill me. Now that he knows that I know what he is.

Why didn't they tell me that Mr Harvard was standing right behind me when I was standing on our lunch table and counting off reasons why he was a vampire. Ok, so maybe I am dumb.


Since when did my life became this difficult?

Guess its goodbye then.

It was nice knowing you, world. Let the darkness come.


  1. What a drama queen.

    So part 5, from the POV of Aaron. Aedion is his brother btw. I just finished queen of shadows and well, I almost died.

    The next chapter will be epic. Though I am a bit worried if I'll be able to write it satsfactarily cause this whole story has been light and funny (I hope) and well I dunno if I'll be able to portray it nicely while going with the flow. Let's see. Wish me luck!


    please? 😁


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