Chaol Westfall

Captain Chaol Westfall, (he's not the captain anymore but a lord and right hand to the king but he'll forever be Captain Westfall to me) ( pronounced like chaos but with an l. Not coal or chaol or chawal or something. And yes, I speak from experience) former Captain of the Royal Guard and even former lord and heir of Anielle is one of the best characters of Throne of Glass.

Even though I have and still do claim numerous times that he is an idiot and jerk, contrary to popular belief of some certain people, I certainly do not hate him. Or even dislike him. He might be an idiot but I still love him. Cause cmon, that's just chaol. That's how he is ! Annoying and an idiot and very lovable no matter how hard you try.

I love him as much as Dorian (that's a lie) (BUT HE'S STILL MY FAV) (Other than Dorian) (nobody ever comes close to Dorian) (except maybe Rowan) (FENRYS MOONBEAM) (Aedion) (I ALSO LOVE CHAOL THO) (but I love Dorian more) (I LOVE THEM ALL THE SAME DON'T COME AT ME).

he's amazing and a great person. He made many mistakes but he's human. He's not perfect (he is). His past was cruel. His childhood was traumatised. He was thrown out of his home by his own father and left on the streets to die. He found himself a place in the Royal Guard of Ardarlan and climbed his way to the top and became the Captain at just 20 and spent his whole life protecting the king and his bestfriend. He was broken and always put death before dishonour. He was loyal to the Crown even after he realised that the king was corrupted. He was the perfect soldier. But he soon realised his loyalty was not to the real king, but his best friend and brother. His first priority was and would always be Dorian.

"There is one true king in this room- there always has been. And he is not sitting on that throne."

But when the king found that sorscha was a spy and aedion was one of the rebel leaders and chaol was conspiracing with the rebels and dorian had powers and had them captured and knelt before him with swords at their necks, chaol left him. He let sorscha be executed and dorian enslaved and controlled by the king. He ran. Like a coward. It was the only thing he could do. He couldn't save dorian and it killed him to run away but sometimes you can't do anything and just watch. Watch as your loved ones are broken piece and piece. A liar. An oath-breaker. A traitor. That's what he called himself.

Nehemia couldve been saved and it was his fault that she died. If only he had come to his senses faster. If only he had realised his loyalty to the king would lead to nothing but destruction. Aelin didn't forgave him but they were just pawns in a cleverly crafted game. Her death was orchestrated by herself, every action planned down to the finest detail. He couldn't have saved her even if he had tried his hardest. But still, he was called a coward.

It was not his fault that dorian was enslaved an possibly dead, not his fault Nehemia died, not his fault sorscha was executed, not his fault that aedion was captured. It was but it was not. It was bound to happen.

He was bit of a jerk when he found out that celaena was fae. He was a jerk to her when she came back from Wendlyn. Only a shadow of who he used to be. The sarcastic, teasing, hardworking, kind and loyal chaol. He was a jerk to nesryn. He was stone cold and broken by his failures. By the burden of all those he had failed.

He was such a different person and I did hate him for it. For how he blamed himself and didn't even hope. He was an idiot and made me scream in frustration and want to bash some sense in his head. Everything was right for a moment then but then it wasn't. Chaol was paralysed from the waist down but dorian was alive. He was safe. And at that moment everything was alright again. Chaol was smiling again, the shadows momentarily forgotten but not vanquished.

Yrene towers. That girl. She saved him. And all of erilea too. She destroyed that demon festering inside of him and made him feel alive again. Sometimes I'm so glad for that girl and how one kindness from a stranger but not was all it took for the world to be saved. For chaol to be saved.

He was broken, his heart no longer beating for himself. His every breath reminding him of all he had let down. Liar. Traitor. Oath-breaker. But he found better people. People who cared. His real family. His friends. He overcame his demons, reminded himself that all was not lost and people were trusting him again. He had another chance and he was not wasting it. He was not going to let people die because of his mistakes. He made very thing right, git rid of that parasite inside him and gathered an army of thousand in the name of his king and his Kingdom. And I love him for it. For that bravery. Not for himself but for his friends.

"Because you remind me of how the world ought to be. What the world can be"

God am I crying.


  1. I dont even know what this is .It wasn't supposed to turn out like this but oh well. The point is I LOVE CHAOL WESTFALL.

    And to think that my longest post is on chaol Westfall smh.



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